For many years I have been one of those annoying people who claim to be 29 every year. Last September, I celebrated the 19th anniversary of my 29th birthday but this year I will jump ahead instead of clinging to the past. I made this decision a few months ago when the thought occurred to me that my 49th birthday is actually the ending of my 49th year and thus the beginning of my 50th. I thought of how many friends I had that did not make it this far and how blessed I have been to see 50 years. Then, last week, I was reading Clarence Jordan's book, "Sermons from the Cotton Patch" and he spoke of Jubilee. Now, the first part I already knew, every seventh year is a year of Jubilee and is accompanied by celebration and forgiveness of sin (including debt) and universal pardon! Here is what I did not know, every seventh cycle of seven years (49) is followed by an even bigger celebration in the 50th year, a kind of mega Jubilee!! So, on September 6. 2014, I will join a second annoying group, you know those people who have a birthday week or even month? Well not to be out done, I will celebrate all year, my 50th, my mega Jubilee. Who wants to party with me?